~Keage Incline~

~Keage Incline~

Monday, July 22, 2013


  Sometimes, i feel like going against the life that every human has been going everyday. For me, life is a cycle. The process is like (baby->child->goes to primary school-> then secondary school-> then university/college/work->have a girl/boyfriend->marry->have a family->then work for the rest of our life)

Some people might not agree to this. This is just my opinion. In this process, we learned a lot of things and see through a lot of things. What i mean by going against life is because i don't want to walk the way just like every human do. I want to do something special. Something that least people have the potential to do it. Not because i only live once, it's because i only die once.

Peoples are buying car and house when they got the money, but i don't want to do that. When i got the money, i want to travel around the world by myself without any hesitation and meet strangers from other country with different cultures. Peoples are having a girlfriend/boyfriend and marry around 17~30, but i don't feel the necessity for that. Maybe it's because i haven't meet one. 

I want to travel alone, to the world i have not seen before. I want to do something crazy, like Bungee Jumping, to feel the excitement of free fall. I want to meet travellers from other countries, to communicate and share things that we might not know in our life. I want to experience every world culture, food, technology, buildings, drinks, history and peoples life. 

I had been planning on my trip to Japan lately. It's a 10 days trip and i want to cherish every day i stay there. 

あの言葉は ’おなかがすきました、おなかがいっぱいです、のどが乾きました’。